"The design of the image in the I was made to compliment the letter's shape. With such a long letter I figured it better to make something that goes with the grain. It's a letter that rises up so what better would be a fist that is also rising up. The imagery itself- a fist rising up from a dark sea to be greeted by the sun shining through the darkness- is symbolic of the struggles our ancestors have faced. We have always been a people that has had to break through and rise above our situation. The fist itself is a symbol of power, as seen in the Black Power and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The gradient of black to blue is a representation of dark times gradually becoming lighter the more we push through. The sun is a beacon of hope and symbolic of a new day. The words are self-explanatory: "Don't think we're done yet". We are far from done and I hope people understand that 2020 was just the beginning, 2021 will continue forth with all that was started this year."
- Jacinda Aytch