Google Doodle
For this project, we were asked to make a “Google Doodle.” We had to pick a historical figure who accomplished something at least 100 years ago. I didn’t want to pick anyone that would immediately come to mind when thinking of a historic figure, for example, Abraham Lincoln, so it took me a while to find someone. After much consideration, I chose Rudolf Lindt as my historical figure; the creator of the Lindt Chocolate Factory and the Conche machine. He also helped to improve the overall taste of chocolate. I wanted my Google Doodle to show the process for making chocolate at the Lindt Factory. I watched Youtube videos, looked at photos of Lindt stores, and researched Rudolf Lindt. I created a storyboard beginning with Mr. Lindt; he is welcoming the viewer into his top-secret room, where new chocolate products are being made. To be more specific, where the new “Google Bar” is being made. The turning of the Conche machine gear and timer are shown for a long period of time because I wanted to indicate that the chocolate making process at Lindt takes many hours. I purposely did not fully show the product being created until the end; I wanted to hint at what the product was throughout the animation, hence why you see the “G” and “O” on the bars but did not actually reveal what it was until the end. The folding process of the wrapper is also slow, but I liked it that way because I felt as though it helped show the wrapping process.